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Tropilab Inc., exporter & wholesaler of medicinal plants, herbs and 
tropical seeds


All our bulbs, rhizomes and seeds are wild harvested in the Amazon Rainforest of Suriname and 100% organic. This means that they are free of contaminants, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and preservatives, GMO'S (genetically modified organisms) and animal products.
They are thoroughly inspected on quality before being used in the manufacturing process.
TROPILAB® uses GACP guidelines (Good Agricultural and Collection Practices) as proposed by ©EMEA and WHO.

Gingers and Heliconias from Suriname are probably the most beautiful plants in the entire world!
Cutflowers There are about 200 to 250 species of Heliconias and at least as many forms or cultivars.
The Gingers are a large family of approximately 1,100 species; they are native to only South - and Central America and a few islands of the South Pacific.
Many have medicinal properties and are applied as such.
Although tropical, they can be grown in the sub-tropics outdoors and in the cooler zones, indoors or in the glass house. Some of the gingers and heliconias are, to some degree, cold hardy.
They are also used as cut flowers.
Gingers and Heliconias propagate through rhizomes and seeds.
The seeds are often difficult to germinate and most of the time the plants produce only a very small amount of these.
Pollination of red, yellow, orange and pink heliconias is done by hummingbirds.
Bats pollinate the green heliconia.
Most species are self-compatible.
The aroids propagate through bulbs (bulbous aroids).
There are special precautions to be taken when planting the rhizomes and bulbs.
Rhizomes and bulbs can weigh from one (1) oz. up to thirty - two (32) oz.
All of the rhizomes and bulbs we ship are disinfected and, as with all our seeds and medicinal plants, accompanied by a
phyto-sanitary* model health certificate issued by the Plant Protection and Quarantine Division of Suriname.
Heliconia If you have specific questions about the database of the rhizomes, and bulbs from aroids, please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail.

To check-out the growing conditions concerning minimum temperature in your area, go to the USDA - and the AHS website.

To search MEDLINE citations and additional life science journals, go to the PubMed website of NLM (NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE).

For hardiness zones of Europe, Canada and Australia go to these links.

For the right freight rate, please visit our Webstore page!

NOTE: minimum order: $12.98, shipping & handling excluded, when ordering online.

For translation use The Google Language Tools

This list can also be viewed with the LATIN names of the plants.

Retail Rhizomes/Bulbs pricelist per December 01, 2020

Common name Botanical name Plant part Price in US$
available Alligator pepper Aframomum melegueta rhizome 18.80
available Anansi wawai Rapatea paludosa rhizome 8.90
available Andrew philips Heliconia andrew philips rhizome 9.50

Anthurium Anthurium gracile NA NA
available Arawak Heliconia arawak rhizome 20.35
available Arrowleaf, Elephant ear Xanthosoma sagittifolium bulb 9.50
available Arrowroot Maranta arundinacea rhizome 8.90
available Balisier Heliconia balisier rhizome 20.35
available Barbatum lily Hippeastrum puniceum bulb 7.40
available Barbados lily Hippeastrum striatum bulb 7.40
available Big palulu Phenakospermum guyannense rhizome 21.20
available Blue taro Xanthosoma violaceum bulb 8.50

Bosananas Bromelia alta NA NA
available Bronze banana Musa ornata rhizome 11.00
available Butterfly lily Heydichium coronarium rhizome 8.20

Caladium Caladium bicolor NA NA
available Crinum lily Hymenocallis occidentalis bulb 7.40
available Dumbcane Dieffenbachia seguine rhizome 8.10
available Fingerroot Boesenbergia pandurata rhizome / bulb 8.25
available Flabellata Heliconia flabellata rhizome 16.20

Flamingo flower Anthurium NA NA
available Giant taro Xanthosoma maffaffa bulb 8.50
available Ginger Zingiber officinale rhizome 9.00
available Good luck plant Sansevieria trifasciata cutting 6.50
available Gran mama Heliconia rhizome 16.20
available Greater galanga Alpinia galanga rhizome 8.29
available Heliconia paradise Musa velutina rhizome 16.20
available Indian shot Canna indica rhizome 7.20
available Kimpol Xanthosoma atrovirens bulb 5.20
available Koenir Curcuma longa bulb 6.22
available Lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus rhizome 7.65
available Lobster claw Heliconia bihai rhizome 4.25
available Lobster claw red Heliconia bihai rhizome 9.60
available Marginata Heliconia marginata rhizome 23.50
available Mariae Heliconia mariae rhizome 25.40
available Masusa Renealmia exaltata rhizome 8.30
available Moko moko Montrichardia arborescens rhizome/cutting 9.75
available Napi Dioscorea trifida bulb 8.10
available Parrot's beak Heliconia psittacorum rhizome 7.20
available Pogonantha Heliconia pogonantha rhizome 23.50
available Puyang Zingiber aromaticum rhizome / bulb NA
available Red ginger Alpinia purpurata rhizome 8.00
available Shampoo ginger Zingiber zerumbet rhizome 9.50
available Shell flower ginger Alpinia zerumbet rhizome 8.29
available Spiral ginger Costus barbatus rhizome 8.29
available Swiss cheese plant Monstera deliciosa cutting 7.10
available Swamp lily Crinum erubescens bulb 9.60
available Tanier spinach Xanthosoma brasilense bulb 9.50
available Temu lawak Curcuma xanthorriza bulb / rhizome 11.00
available Ti plant Cordyline terminalis cutting 5.10
available Torch lily Nicolaia elatior rhizome 10.70
available Traveler's palm Ravenala madagascariensis rhizome 22.10
available Available

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P.O.BOX 48164
St.Petersburg, Florida 33743 - 8164. USA.
Phone: (727) 344 - 7608.