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Tropical Rainforest
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 Natural Oils
Database Palms
Rhizomes and bulbs
Tropical fruit seeds
Tropical Hardwood
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Database Medicinal Seedlist
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Tropilab Inc., exporter & wholesaler of medicinal plants, herbs and tropical seeds

All our herbs, plants, rhizomes and seeds are wild harvested in the Amazon Rainforest of Suriname and 100% organic. This means that they are free of contaminants, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and preservatives, GMO'S (genetically modified organisms) and animal products.
They are thoroughly inspected on quality before being used in the manufacturing process.
TROPILAB® uses GACP guidelines (Good Agricultural and Collection Practices) as proposed by ©EMEA and WHO.

Palms are among the most beautiful species found in the tropics.
There are some 3,800 known palm species.
The great majority grows deep in the rainforest and perhaps never sees the sun, certainly not as young plants.
All the seeds are wild harvested and after a selecting process, immediately stored to keep them viable so that they can germinate easy when they arrive at our customers! Bismarck palm tree
If you are not satisfied with the seeds when they arrive, you may return them unopened to us within 2 weeks for a full refund.
The seeds are collected in such a way that there is no danger of damage to the trees, plants or the environment.
For assistance with germination see: palm seed germination.

To check-out the growing conditions concerning minimum temperature in your area, go to the USDA - and the AHS website.

For hardiness zones of Europe, Canada and Australia go to these links.

For the right freight rate, please visit our Webstore page!

NOTE: minimum order: $12.98, shipping & handling excluded, when ordering online.

For translation use The Google Language Tools

We are adding regularly new species to our seed list but if you cannot find a particular seed that you are looking for, please send us an e mail.
We might just find it for you!

Tropical Palm Seeds from South America
Retail pricelist per December 01, 2020
Botanical name Common name Amount of seeds Price Per packet of seeds in US$

Areca Catechu

Betel nut palm 100 69.00
Astrocaryum paramaca Paramaca NA NA
available Astrocaryum vulgare awarra, tecuma 100 71.25
available Attalea maripa Maripa 100 69.00
Bactris major Kawmaka NA NA
Bismarckia nobilis Bismarck palm NA NA

Caryota mitis

Burmese fish tail palm NA NA

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

Butterfly palm NA NA

Corypha Umbraculifera

Talipot 50 51.75
available Elaeis guineensis Obe palm 100 45.90
available Euterpe oleracea Açai palm 100 45.90
Geonoma baculifera Tas NA NA
Licuala grandis Ruffled fan palm NA NA
available Licuala spinosa Mangrove fan palm 100 34.20
available Mauritia flexuosa Buriti palm 100 72.20
available Oenocarpus bacaba Turu palm 100 34.20
Pinanga Coronata Coronata palm NA NA
available Roystonea regia Cuban royal palm 100 22.40
available Veitchia merrillii Manila palm 100 42.50
Note: The prices are for one packet of seeds. Most packets contain 50 to 100 seeds.
available = available

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P.O.BOX 48164
St.Petersburg, Florida 33743 - 8164. USA.
Phone: (727) 344 - 7608.