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Tropilab Inc., exporter & wholesaler of medicinal plants, herbs and tropical seeds

All our herbs, plants, rhizomes and seeds are wild harvested in the Amazon Rainforest of Suriname and 100% organic. This means that they are free of contaminants, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and preservatives, GMO'S (genetically modified organisms) and animal products.
They are thoroughly inspected on quality before being used in the manufacturing process.
TROPILAB® uses GACP guidelines (Good Agricultural and Collection Practices) as proposed by ©EMEA and WHO.

Almost all the seeds are wild harvested and after a selecting process, most are immediately stored in the proper manner to keep them viable so that they can germinate easy when they arrive at our customers!
If you are not satisfied with the seeds when they arrive, you may return them unopened to us within 2 weeks for a full refund.
The seeds are collected in such a way that there is no danger of damage to the trees, plants or the environment.
For assistance in germinating the seeds, please go to growing plants from seeds. Guava seeds
We are adding regularly new species to our medicinal seed-list, but if you cannot find a particular seed that you are looking for, please send us an e-mail.
We might just find it for you!
To check-out the growing conditions concerning minimum temperature in your area, go to the USDA- and the AHS website.

To search MEDLINE citations and additional life science journals go to the PubMed web site of NLM (NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE).

For hardiness zones of Europe, Canada and Australia go to these links.

For the right freight rate, please visit our Webstore page!

NOTE: minimum order: $12.98, shipping & handling excluded, when ordering online.

For translation use The Google Language Tools

This list can also be viewed with the COMMON names.

Tropical medicinal seeds from South America !
Retail price list per December 01, 2020
Botanical name Common name Amount of seeds Price P / packet
of seeds in US$
available Abrus precatorius Rosary pea 100 31.65
available Adenanthera pavonina Red Sandalwood 100 31.65
available Ageratum conyzoides Billy goat weed NA NA
available Annona atemoya Atemoya 100 47.50
available Annona muricata Soursop 100 59.50
available Annona squamosa Sugar apple 25 12.50
available Asclepias curassavica Blood Flower 500 22.50
available Averrhoa bilimbi Cucumber tree 20 12.50
available Averrhoa carambola Carambola 100 42.50
available Bixa orellana Annato 100 12.50

Bauhina variegata L. Orchid tree NA NA

Bombax aquaticum Guiana chestnut, malabar chestnut NA NA
available Caesalpinia bonduc Gray nicker 10 12.50
available Caesalpinia pulcherrima Red bird of paradise or Pride of Barbados 100 35.00
available Calliandra Surinamensis Suriname powder puff 100 29.50
available Cananga odorata Ylang ylang 10 16.50
available Capsicum frutescens Cayenne pepper 1000 80.50

Carapa guianensis Andiroba or Bastard mahogany NA NA
available Cassia alata Candlestick senna 200 23.45
available Cassia fistula Golden shower 100 32.20
available Cassia occidentalis Coffee senna 200 16.10
available Cecropia palmata Trumpet tree 100 33.00
available Cedrela odorata Spanish cedar 10 19.15
available Ceiba pentandra Silk cotton tree, kapok tree 100 24.50
available Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Epazote NA NA
available Chrysophyllum cainito Star apple 50 44.50
available Cordia curassavica Black sage NA NA
available Couroupita guianensis Cannonball tree 20 20.60
available Cresentia cujete Calabash tree 20 19.60

Delonix regia

Flamboyant or royal poinciana 50 17.50

Dicorynia guianensis

Basralocus NA NA

Dillenia indica

Elephant apple 50 18.50
available Dipteryx odorata Tonka bean or cumaru 10 22.00
available Eclipta alba Eclipta 150 11.25
available Eryngium foetidum L. Fitweed, Long coriander 50 12.85
available Euphorbia hirta L. Asthma weed 200 22.50

Eugenia polyantha Daun salam NA NA

Eugenia uniflora L Surinam cherry NA NA

Garcinia mangostana L Mangosteen, manggis NA NA

Gossypium barbadense

Sea island cotton 100 33.00
available Guaiacum officinale Lignum vitae 25 15.00

Hamelia patens

Fire bush 25 12.50

Hevea brasiliensis

Rubber tree 10 20.00

Hibiscus abelmoschus L.

Musk okra 100 27.25
available Hura crepitans Sandbox tree or possum wood 30 15.75
available Hymenaea courbaril Jatoba 25 35.50
available Jatropha curcas Physic nut, Barbados nut 100 18.90
available Lagerstroemia speciosa Queen's flower 100 20.70
available Leonotis nepetifolia Lion's ear 50 24.35
available Luffa acutangula Ridged luffa 100 31.00
available Luffa cylindrica Sponge luffa 100 31.00


Malpighia glabra Barbados cherry, West Indian cherry 100 33.00

Manihot esculenta Cassava, manioc NA NA
available Mammea americana Mamey 3 14.70

Melia azedarach Chinaberry tree NA NA
available Microtea debilis Weak jumby pepper 200 14.55

Montrichardia arborescens

Moko moko 100 93.00
available Mucuna pruriens Nescafe or cowage 50 22.00
available Nelumbo nucifera Sacred lotus 100 23.00

Nephelium lappaceum Rambutan NA NA
available Ocimum sanctum Holy basil 100 18.00
available Ormosia nobilis Lady bug tree 100 18.25

Oryza sativa Rice NA NA
available Passiflora edulis Passion flower, maracuja 100 28.00
available Passiflora foetida Wild maracuja 100 28.00
available Passiflora laurifolia Water lemon 100 28.00
available Passiflora vespertilio Black passionflower 100 28.00
available Peperomia pellucida (English)
Peperomia pellucida (Nederlands)
Shiny bush 100 20.00

Peperomia rotundifolia Creeping peperomia NA NA

Phyllanthus amarus Black catnip NA NA

Phyllanthus urinaria Shatterstone NA NA

Physalis angulata Wild tomato NA NA
available Piper aduncum Spiked pepper 100 29.50
available Piper marginatum Cake bush 100 16.10
available Psidium guajava Guava 100 25.00
available Punica granatum Pomegranata 100 17.25
available Quassia amara Surinam bitter wood, amargo, bitterwood 25 20.70
available Ricinus communis Castor bean, castor oil plant 50
available Ruellia tuberosa Minnieroot 100
available Samanea saman Raintree 50
available Scoparia dulcis Sweetbroom NA
available Sesamun indicum Sesam 100 17.50
available Simarouba officinalis Simaruba 15 12.30
available Solanum macrocarpon African eggplant 100 29.00
available Solanum mammosum Nipple fruit 50 14.25
available Solanum melongena Eggplant 100 25.00
available Solanum oleraceu Glossy nightshade 100 15.00
available Solanum stramonifolium Bolo maka 100 28.50
available Solanum torvum Turkey berry 100 28.50
available Spathodea campanulata African tulip tree, Flame of the forest 100 24.00
available Spigelia anthelmia Pink root 100 11.50
available Stachytarpheta cayennensis Verbena 200 15.50
available Swietenia mahogani Mahogany 100 62.50

Syzygium jambos rose apple, pomme rose NA NA

Syzygium malaccense Malay apple, mountain apple NA NA

Syzygium samarangense Wax apple, bell apple, java apple NA NA

Tabebuia serratifolia

Surinam greenheart, pau d'arco 100 47.00
available Tamarindus indica Tamarind 100 31.00
available Triphasia trifolia Lime berry 100 31.00
available Triplaris surinamensis Mulato tree, Long John 100 13.80
available Turnera diffusa Damiana 100 33.00
available Uncaria guianensis Cats claw 100 33.00
available Vinca rosea Periwinkle 100 10.35
available Virola species Baboen 50 62.50
available Waltheria americana Sleepy morning 100 15.50
Note: The prices are for one packet of seeds. Most packets contain 10 to 200 seeds.
available = available

All the information in this database is for education & information purposes only! It is not intended to be used to diagnose and treat any illnesses or condition whatsoever, nor replace proper medical care.

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P.O.BOX 48164
St.Petersburg, Florida 33743 - 8164. USA.
Phone: (727) 344 - 7608.