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Tropilab Inc., exporter & wholesaler of medicinal plants, herbs and tropical seeds

Natural pharmacy

Suriname's Traditional Medicine is many centuries old and based on the knowledge of the indigenous people from the Amazon rainforest, the Amerindians and Maroons and on that of the Asian immigrants.
That is why it is rooted in Amazonian - and Asian Traditional Medicine.
In Suriname's Traditional Medicine there are about a thousand (1,200) plants and herbs used to cure everything, from hepatitis to rash.
The most important of these plants can be found at the Compiled Medicinal Plant List.
For your reference we have compiled a database in which you will find information about the plants and herbs we sell, as well their applications.

All our herbs, plants, rhizomes and seeds (botanicals) are wild harvested in the Amazon Rainforest of Suriname and 100% organic. This means that they are free of contaminants, such as synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and preservatives, GMO'S (genetically modified organisms) and animal products.
They are thoroughly inspected on quality before being used in the manufacturing process.
TROPILAB® uses GACP guidelines (Good Agricultural and Collection Practices) as proposed by ©EMEA and the WHO.

This database is always under construction, since it is updated and extended all the time!
If you have specific questions about it and the applications of the plants and herbs,please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail.
To check-out the growing conditions concerning minimum temperature in your area, go to the USDA - and the AHS website. Geissospermum vellosii-Pao pereira bark - Tropilab. Amazon rainforest tree with medicinal properties, working against difficult
 cancers, such as pancreas, liver and brain cancer.

To search MEDLINE citations and additional life science journals, go to the PubMed web site of NLM (NATIONAL LIBRARY of MEDICINE).

For hardiness zone of Europe, Canada and Australia go to these links.

For the right freight rate, please visit our Webstore page!

NOTE: minimum order: $12.98, shipping & handling excluded, when ordering on line.

For translation use The Google Language Tools

Back to PLANTLIST with the common names of the products.

Retail Botanicals pricelist per December 01, 2021
Buying Botanicals from TROPILAB®

Latin name Common name Plant part Price Per lb in US$ Price Per 0.5 lb in US$
available Ageratum conyzoides Billy goat weed herb, cut/whole 36.00 NA
available Allamanda cathartica Yellow allamanda root, chopped 28.00 NA
available Annona muricata L
Soursop leaves, cut 34.20 NA
available Asclepias curassavica Blood flower herbs, cut 28.00 NA
available Azadirachta indica Neem leaves NA
available Banisteriopsis Caapi Ayahusca vine vine


Bidens pilosa Picão preto herb, cut
36.00 NA
available Calotropis gigantea Giant bloodflower herb, cut NA NA
available Carica papaya Papaya leaves, cut 36.00 NA


Cassia alata Senna leaves, cut
36.00 NA


Cassia occidentalis Coffee senna herbs, cut
36.00 NA


Cecropia palmata Trumpet tree leaves, cut
36.00 NA
available Cedrela odorata Spanish cedar bark, chopped 36.00 NA
available Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Epazote herb, cut/whole 34.00 NA


Cissampelos pareira

Abuta vine, cut/whole 36.00 NA
available Cordia curassavica Black sage leaves 36.00 NA


Cymbopogon citratus

Lemon grass herbs, cut 40.00 NA


Cyperus rotundus Nutgrass root, cut/whole 36.00 NA


Davilla nitida Capadulla bark NA


Desmodium adscendens Hardstick herb, cut 36.00 NA
available Eclipta alba Eclipta herb, cut/whole 38.00 NA
available Eryngium foetidum L. Fitweed herb, cut/whole 32.00 NA
available Euphorbia hirta Asthma weed herbs, cut 36.00 NA
available Geissospermum vellosii/sericeum Pao pereira bark, chopped 43.00 NA


Gossypium barbadense Sea island cotton root, chopped 36.00 NA
available Hamelia patens Firebush herbs, cut 28.00 NA
available Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Roselle calyx, whole 36.00 NA
available Hura Crepitans Sandbox tree leaves, cut 28.00 NA


Hymenaea courbaril Jatoba bark, chopped 38.00 NA


Jatropha curcas cut Physic nut leaves
36.00 NA
available Lagerstroemia speciosa chopped Queen's flower crushed leaves 38.00 NA
available Lantana Camara cut Wild sage leaves 36.00 NA
available Leonotis nepetifolia chopped Lion's ear herbs 36.00 NA
available Mangifera indica chopped Mango bark 34.00 NA


Manihot esculenta chopped

Cassava bark 28.00 NA

Mansoa alliacea

Garlic vine vine 36.00 NA


Maranta arundinacea cut/whole Arrowroot root 34.00 NA


Melia azedarach China berry bark 28.00 NA

Mentha piperita

Peppermint leaves (crushed) NA NA

Mentha spicata

Spearmint leaves (crushed) NA NA


Microtea debilis Weak jumby pepper herbs 34.00 NA
available Mimosa pudica Sleeping grass herbs 36.00 NA


Momordica charantia cut Bitter melon herbs 36.00 NA
available Moringa Moringa oleifera leaves, pods NA
available Morinda citrifolia Noni leaves (crushed) 34.00 NA


Musa paradisiaca cut Banana leaves 28.00 NA


Passiflora edulis Passionflower, Maracuja leaves 36.00 NA


Phyllanthus amarus cut/whole Black catnip herbs 36.00 NA


Phyllanthus urinaria cut/whole Shatterstone herbs 36.00 NA


Physalis angulata cut/whole Mulaca herbs 34.00 NA


Piper angustifolium Spiked pepper cut herbs 36.00 NA


Piper marginatum cut Cake bush herbs 34.00 NA


Quassia amara chopped Quassia bark 36.00 NA
available Ruellia tuberosa cut/whole Minnieroot herbs 28.00 NA
available Scoparia dulcis Sweet broom herbs, cut/whole 36.00 NA


Simaruba officinalis Simaruba bark, chopped 36.00 NA


Solanum oleraceum

Glossy nightshade herbs, cut/whole 36.00 NA


Spigelia anthelmia Wormbush herbs, cut/whole 36.00 NA
available Stachytarpheta cayennensis Verbena herbs, cut/whole 34.00 NA


Strychnos guianensis Curare vine, chopped NA NA


Strychnos melinoniana

Devil's doer vine, chopped 36.00 NA
available Syzygium cumini jamun, jaman cut bark, leaves 36.00 NA


Tabebuia serratifolia

Pau d'arco bark, chopped 36.00 NA
available Terminalia catappa crushed/whole Tropical almond leaves 36.00 NA
available Theobroma cacao crushed/whole Cacao leaves 36.00 NA
available Turnera diffusa Damiana herbs 36.00 NA
available Tynanthus panurensis Clavo huasca vine 36.00 NA


Uncaria guianensis chopped Cat's claw bark 38.00 NA
available Vinca rosea cut Periwinkle herbs 34.00 NA
available Virola surinamensis Baboen bark 40.00 NA
available Waltheria Americana Sleepy morning leaves, flowers & buds 36.00 NA
available Wedelia trilobata cut Yellow dots herbs 28.00 NA

Note: Cut / Chopped / Whole / Crushed available = available


All the information in this database is for education & information purposes only! It is not intended to be used to diagnose and treat any illnesses or condition whatsoever, nor replace proper medical care.

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P.O.BOX 48164
St.Petersburg, Florida 33743 - 8164. USA.
Phone: (727) 344 - 7608.