Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) has been shown to relax the uterus. It has also been used for indigestion, loss of appetite, as well as for colds, respiratory problems and circulation disorders
Roselle has antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties; lowers the blood pressure (hypotensive effect)
It is also antispasmodic and anthelmic
Roselle significantly reduces cholesterol content in blood serum and prevents oxidation of low-density lipoproteins.
It can suppress blood lipid levels, including triglycerides and total cholesterol, significantly.
Roselle is potentially applicable to prevent atherosclerosis in humans due its anti-hyper-lipidaemic effect and anti-LDL oxidation.
It may therefore be useful in the prevention of a number of cardiovascular diseases in which cholesterol plays a major role.
Roselle contains 49 calories, 84.5% H2O, 1.9g protein, 0.1g fat, 12.3g total carbohydrate, 2.3g fibre, 1.2g ash, 1.72mg Ca, 57mg P, 2.9mg Fe, 300?g ? carotene equivalent, and 14mg ascorbic acid.
Presence of saponins, tannins, cyanogenic glycoside Other phytochemicals are protocatechuric acid and anthocyanins
Tincture: 1 – 3 ml, daily ( 1 – 3 full droppers)
Infusion: 1 - 2 cups daily
Due to the hypotensive effect caution is expressed when using with other blood lowering medicine.
Studies on the aqueous extract of jamaica (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) as a potent antioxidant
V. HUERTA-E, Facultad de Ing Quimica, Escuela de Ingenieria de Alimentos, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla,
18 Sur & San Claudio, Ciudad Universitaria, Puebla, 72000, Mexico, I. Garcia, Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Univ.
de La Habana, La Coronela, La Lisa, Ciudad Habana, Cuba, E. Urrutia, Investigacion, Univ. Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla,
21 Sur 1103, Col. Santiago, Puebla, Pue, 72160, Mexico, and J. L. Rodriguez, Instituto de Investigaciones de la Industria Alimentaria, IIIA, La Habana, Cuba.
Phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological aspects of Hibiscus sabdariffa L.: a review.
Ali BH, Al Wabel N, Blunden G.
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Al-Gaseem University, Buraydah, Al Gaseem 81999, Saudi Arabia