Tropilab Inc.


(100 % cayenne pepper fruits)


Applications cayenne tincture:

• Cardiovascular support; cleans the blood and stimulates the entire system. Helps clear blockages from arteries, veins and lymphatic system. Also stops bleeding and dissolves blood clots.
• Improves brain function; one of the most well-known effects is that of increasing blood circulation to the head- and brain area. Effective against cluster and migraine headaches
• Can stop bleeding extremely fast, immediately flush the wound with the tincture (1 - 5 full droppers) after this pack the wound with Cayenne powder.
• Improves circulation, and reduces or stop bleeding from stomach ulcers. When taken internally, it stimulates circulation. Used against indigestion and heartburn.
• Breaks up congestion and speeds healing of colds and flu, • Used as a diaphoretic (sweat inducing-herb)
• Helps lower cholesterol and prevent blood clots: thins the blood and heal the heart after a heart attack.
• Alleviate sore throats and tonsillitis
• Provides far more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and is one of the highest sources available for this vitamin

Dosage: 5 -30 drops, 3 times daily

Infusions: An infusion can be made by pouring a cup (250 ml) of hot water onto ½ – 1 teaspoon of Cayenne powder. Steep for 15 minutes. A teaspoon of this infusion can be mixed with water and taken 3 - 4 times daily. Drug interactions: Aspirin may interact with Cayenne.



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